Outlined below are the cookies that are used by this site to provide the full range of online services by Morgan Hunt Ltd.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that is downloaded on to your computer when you visit a website, which enables the website to tailor its offerings to your preferences when you visit it.

We use cookies to help us:
What all of this means is that you get the best possible user experience and the most relevant information based on your needs. Cookies enable us to constantly evolve, develop and improve functionality to provide you with the best possible user experience.

The cookies we use

  • Strictly necessary
    Just as it says, these are the essential cookies to enable you to use the site effectively i.e. applying for a job or submitting a CV. Accepting these cookies is a condition of using the site.
  • Functionality
    These cookies help our site remember the choices you made, for example, username, and also help make the most of our enhanced features, such as providing news or updates relevant to you.
  • Performance
    These cookies help us monitor the performance of our site, providing us with the information to constantly optimise and develop our site to get the best user experience for you, for example site visits or source of visitors.
  • Personalisation
    We use personalisation or targeting cookies to make sure we advertise the jobs that we think may be of interest to you, making your user experience a personalised one
  • Third party
    As you use our site, you will notice that we have content from other sites, for example, YouTube or Google Maps. We also facilitate the opportunity to engage with us further through social media channels, for example Twitter and Facebook. We use third party cookies to help deliver relevant information to you and integrate content with social networks.
  • Google Analytics
    These cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, where visitors have come to the site from and the pages they visited.

What we don’t use cookies for
We don’t use cookies to gather any personal information that could be used to advertise products or services to you on other websites.

Your permission to use cookies
If the settings on your browser that you are using to view our website are adjusted to accept cookies, we take this, and your continued use of our website, to mean that you are happy to have cookies enabled.

Turning cookies off
Please be aware that by not accepting cookies you will not be able to use some of the key functions of www.morganhunt.com website including:

  • Registering with morganhunt.com
  • Signing in to morganhunt.com
  • Applying for jobs on morganhunt.com
  • Submitting a CV

If you don’t want us to store a cookie on your PC to make your journey on our website the best it can be, you can switch cookies off by adjusting your browser settings to stop it from accepting cookies. Each browser acts differently so remember to check your browsers ‘help’ settings.


SourceFlow Cookies

Insights Tracking Cookies
Insights tracking uses 3 cookies to collect the source and journey the user has taken. Below are the purposes for each one so any cookie policies can be updated. SourceFlow only captures and persists the data contained within these cookies when a user submits a form on the website. For unknown anonymous visitors to your website (who never convert) this data is never stored by SourceFlow’s systems.

Records the referrer, utm source, utm medium and utm_campaign values that were present when the user lands on the website. These are stored in a cookie so they persist after the user has navigated to another page.

Records the list of pages the user navigates to during a visit, and how long they spent on
each page. This is stored as a cookie so it persists as the page changes, and the new data can be appended to the end.

Records the timestamp of the last interaction the user had. This is used to decide if the next page visit counts as a
new session because too much time has passed. This is stored as a cookie so it persists after the user has left the site and can still be used when they return later.


Cloudflare Cookies

The __cflb, __cf_bm, __cf_ob_info and __cf_use_ob, and __cfwaitingroom cookies are strictly necessary to provide the services requested by Cloudflare’s Customers, as we explain in more detail below.

Cookie data is processed in Cloudflare's data center in the United States and is subject to the cross-border data transfer section (section 7) of the Cloudflare Privacy Policy.


*__cflb* cookie for Cloudflare Load Balancer session affinity

When enabling session affinity with Cloudflare Load Balancer, Cloudflare sets a __cflb cookie with a unique value on the first response to the requesting client. Cloudflare routes future requests to the same origin, optimizing network resource usage. In the event of a failover, Cloudflare sets a new __cflb cookie to direct future requests to the failover pool.

The __cflb cookie allows us to return an End User to the same Customer origin for a specific period of time (Customer-configured), which in turn allows the Customer origin to maintain an End User’s experience seamlessly (for example, keeping an End User’s items in a shopping cart while they continue to navigate around the website). This cookie is a session cookie that lasts anywhere from several seconds up to 24 hours.


*__cf_bm* cookie for Cloudflare bot products

Cloudflare's bot products identify and mitigate automated traffic to protect your site from bad bots. Cloudflare places the __cf_bm cookie on End User devices that access Customer sites that are protected by Bot Management or Bot Fight Mode. The __cf_bm cookie is necessary for the proper functioning of these bot solutions.

This cookie expires after (at most) 30 minutes of continuous inactivity by the End User. The cookie contains information related to the calculation of Cloudflare’s proprietary bot score and, when Anomaly Detection is enabled on Bot Management, a session identifier. The information in the cookie (other than time-related information) is encrypted and can only be decrypted by Cloudflare.

A separate __cf_bm cookie is generated for each site that an End User visits, and Cloudflare does not follow users from site to site or from session to session by merging various __cf_bm identifiers into a profile. The __cf_bm cookie is generated independently by Cloudflare, and does not correspond to any user ID or other identifiers in a Customer’s web application.


*__cf_ob_info* and *__cf_use_ob* cookie for Cloudflare Always Online

The __cf_ob_info cookie provides information on:

  • The HTTP Status Code returned by the origin web server,
  • The Ray ID of the original failed request, and
  • The data center serving the traffic.

The __cf_use_ob cookie informs Cloudflare to fetch the requested resource from the Always Online cache on the designated port. Applicable values are: 0, 80, and 443.


*__cfwaitingroom* for Cloudflare Waiting Rooms

Cloudflare’s Waiting Room product enables a waiting room for a particular host and path combination within a zone. Visitors are put in the waiting room and provided an estimate of when they will be allowed to access the application if not immediately available.

The __cfwaitingroom cookie is only used to track visitors that access a Waiting Room enabled host and path combination for a zone. Visitors using a browser that does not accept cookies cannot visit the host and path combination while the Waiting Room is active.