Interim Deputy Principal for Oaklands College


The former incumbent held the position for several years, but 12 months before this vacancy, a new CEO assumed control and initiated crucial college restructures. This led to the formation of an entirely new Senior Management Team (SMT). The college sought a seasoned senior leader with a robust financial background. Identifying individuals who could naturally collaborate with the new SMT was imperative, while also being adept at working independently and swiftly to facilitate the required changes.

  • There were several significant challenges that were identified as part of this search process.
  • Morgan Hunt received these roles four days after some of our competitors did. Consequently, several interim candidates with the requisite skills and experience for this critical role had already been approached by others before the college engaged with us for the search
  • Location played a crucial role, considering the base of the college. The college initially emphasised the need for someone on-site five days a week. This required us to either locate a candidate in close proximity to the college or find someone willing to spend four nights away from home. We were aware from the beginning that this could pose logistical challenges and potentially restrict the pool of candidates we could approach
  • Another challenge we encountered stemmed from the college's reputation. In the preceding year, Ofsted had given the college an overall rating of 'Requires Improvement' (RI), which included a 'RI' for Leadership and Management. Several candidates raised this as a potential concern and a factor that might dissuade them from considering employment at the college.
  • Despite conceding a couple of days to our competitors in this search, we maintained confidence in the vast experience of our recruitment team and our vast sector connections. As a company, our extensive database spans the breadth of the public sector, providing access to a range of experienced senior leaders, not solely focused on Further Education. Furthermore, our extensive reach across various social media and search platforms enhances our ability to identify professionals who may be challenging to recruit.
  • As sector leaders, we prefer a consultative approach when working with our clients. Recognising that the location could pose challenges and as a result, potentially delaying this crucial appointment, we promptly scheduled a meeting with the Vice Principal - HR. In this meeting, we openly discussed our concerns and posed probing questions to ascertain the specific nature of the work and better comprehend why the college deemed it necessary for the individual to be on-site full-time. Through this dialogue, we offered valuable sector insights, showcasing what other colleges were doing to benefit from excellent interim support without the need for daily on-site presence. We also proposed cost-saving alternatives, such as limiting on-site days and reducing expenses claims for fewer nights spent away from home.
  • Given our deep-rooted understanding of the sector, we were able to ask probing questions to the college to gain a better understanding of the positive changes initiated following the previous Ofsted inspection. In this discussion, they offered valuable insights into the work that had been undertaken, and shortly after this role commenced, there was notable evidence of 'significant progress' observed during their Ofsted monitoring visit.
  • Two suitably qualified candidates were submitted within 48 hours of Morgan Hunt receiving the role, and both individuals were asked forward for interview.
  • At the conclusion of the interviews, of which there were four, the college informed us that they would take a day to reflect on the proceedings as both the candidates presented by Morgan Hunt were deemed appointable, and the college aimed to deliberate to determine which candidate they believed would be the best fit for the college.
  • A successful outcome was achieved with the appointment of one of the Morgan Hunt candidates. They were a vastly experienced professional who had held senior posts within Further Education, Charity, Local Government and Private Sector. They were not local to the college, so we were able to work with them and the college to find suitable working arrangements and accommodation. • Feedback session was arranged with the unsuccessful candidate. This session was constructive, aimed at enhancing their self-awareness and supporting continuous professional development. • All compliance documentation were held on file prior to the commencement of the role, including supporting the candidate to obtain a new DBS Check. References were also taken up on behalf of the organisation.
  • We supported the Vice Principal – HR with checking the employment status for tax, of which the outcome was that the role was deemed inside IR35.
  • The candidate had a very successful interim assignment with the college and played a pivotal role in the recruitment and selection process for the new permanent Deputy Principal, Finance, Resources & College Planning at Oaklands College.
  • The role commenced on 20th December and concluded on 27th October.